
(R) Dare Any Gaze on the Committed? LOL

Jesus, Webb! Not Your Birthday SUIT! LOL

Priddy Poddy Time Hits Chitterling Circus?

[FOB FREEDOM, December 31, 2024] Any station? Any station? Do you read? Over.

Live from the world’s newest banana republic. . .

According to one Redstone Arsenal and U.S. Army Materiel Command veteran, one not-a-serious option candidate in diverse and inclusive Arlington, Virginia was one of the most innovative officers he had ever worked with in his entire military career, unflappable, and according to one former “Iron Major” at the DCSCINT, he was exceptionally bright, the hardest working officer on his staff, with unlimited potential, capable of handling multiple actions simultaneously, thriving in a fast-paced environment, but most know how those performance evaluations at work are exaggerated. However, one commander of echelon above corps, strategic counterintelligence sent what he had described as the epitome of the can-do officer to a floundering and demoralized staff section that had failed command inspections four consecutive years in a row that had been led by senior captains, one even relieved for cause, and that lieutenant, in just four months managed to jump in, and pull off the most amazing turnaround his rater had ever seen. However, a few stolen valor blogs stood up when he first ran for Congress have claimed to have fact-checked these official military records and discredited the claims of those senior military officers and defense officials. Still, credible news sources in Northern Virginia claim Major Mike Webb is not afraid to fight dirty, and, after the parting comments of one parent of biracial children on the school board for the second-best public school division in the entire state, even before the beginning of the new year, and the official start of the next election campaign cycle, it looks like in 2025, it ain’t gonna be “Priddy”, literally.

With the mass exodus of persons of color on a school board that had been completely recalled and replaced to resist a landmark decision handed down by the nation’s highest court just 70 years ago, it certainly is not the oldest and boldest civil rights organization stirring up any “good trouble”, while the newly elected school board chair weighs her decision to seek re-election to the quota seat for African Americans that was not integrated until after Barack Obama had been elected as the first Black President. And in the municipality where the war-hardened Arlington Democrats take full credit for providing the victory margin in statewide elections, including most recently delivering Virginia’s 13 Electoral College votes to Vice President Kamala Harris, one would reasonably expect the Arlington GOP, or even Republican contenders vying to make history to be ramping up a turnaround putsch. However, the last Republican to win a seat on the Arlington Public School Board was almost a quarter century ago, and historically Republicans in Arlington may quote Tip O’Neil’s phrase about all politics being local, but whether it is renaming public school facilities, school choice, school closures, transgender agendas, vaccine mandates and masking and even the achievement gap, it has been the godson of a former President of the UNCF who found ashtrays in his childhood home only because of a much quoted and slain civil rights martyr. And upon the passing of a former recipient of an invitation to integrate America’s Freedom Church, almost exactly a year later to the day, a former late night television headliner is doing what those colored folks seem to do best, one helluva entertainer. But don’t ask him to play sports, because he couldn’t even catch COVID-19, as highly contagious as that was.

“Well, Howard, as you know, we kicked off the campaign at the farmers market at the courthouse over the weekend, and a fella, White fella, and very liberal says to me, he is opposed to everything I stand for, and so I says, then woncha gives a brotha a seat?” uproariously laughed Major Mike Webb.

Your elected representative is called your elected representative for a reason; and Martin Luther King and Jesus never got elected.

And let’s get ready to RUMBLE! https://rumble.com/vp2uk1-attorneys-need-not-apply-you-have-the-right-to-remain-silent.html.

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