
If You Are the Devil, Why Not Make the Straps Disappear? LOL

Rites of Exorcism in the Community with the Least Amount of Faith? He Ain't Even Catholic?

Not a Serious Option Campaign Begins Against Coronation of the “Educator Approved” Arlington Public School Board Chair

[FOB FREEDOM, December 13, 2024] Any station? Any station? Do you read? Over.

Live from the world’s newest banana republic. . .

If you ask Mary Kadera, a former public school high school science teacher, and current Chair of the second-best public school division in the entire Commonwealth of Virginia, the Arlington Public Schools over which she presides for a plurality of students of color, she would give the performance of her schools just a letter grade of “D”, and perhaps that is the people’s choice in the County of Arlington, where war-hardened Arlington Democrats hold all of the strings of power, and where bookies wouldn’t lay odds on a Republican picking up a seat, being so far out of reach, like an acceptance letter to Harvard University or even just slightly less than infectious Washington & Lee University, a college with an offensive name in the Shenandoah Valley. However, if you were to ask the Republican Governor, Glenn Youngkin, a graduate of Rice University and Harvard Business School, the priority issue is not the record absences, post pandemic, amongst school aged children or even the opioid crisis that claimed the life of one student last year, found in a restroom in Arlington’s most diverse and least performing public high school, but rather cellular telephone usage, for those who are even showing up for class to have their personal pronouns respected by a former superintendent of New Jersey’s worst performing public school district, who apparently had failed to receive the memo from CDC on “fomite transmission”, indirect transmission of COVID-19 through contact with contaminated surfaces, dedicating portions of the budget on stockpiling cleaning and sanitizing supplies to prevent what even the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), and submissions by Pfizer, Moderna and Janssen had described not as a HAZMAT risk, but as CBRN, a biological agent being maliciously deployed. And as one “unintelligible”, “inscrutable” “litigation hobbyist” mounts another campaign as a “not a serious option” candidate for school board, the community that had broken records to vote for Joe Biden, and had delivered the Virginia victory margin for Kamala Harris may be preparing to elect the first woman governor of Virginia, but their children, 90% of whom are enjoying a free, public education, are clearly as had been described by the former Virginia House Majority Whip, Alfonso “Fonzie” Lopez, a graduate of Vassar, “Nothing: more important than our kids.” His comments to the Arlington NAACP, at an online candidate forum, where, of report, “racism” was “on full display.”

“Well, Howard, elections are like a conversation, and like Wakefield Warrior David Priddy, a big shot in what he calls the ‘vertical transportation industry’, I enjoy having those difficult conversations, especially as a make-a-statement candidate. And I am looking forward to seeing the results of this referendum election on public schools. Let the people’s voices be heard. Right now I am just looking at the dollars running into this campaign account, and my Black Church pastor father used to say, ‘Show me where a man spends his money, and I’ll tell you what he loves. Did you know our homes in this public-school community approach some $850,000, and you sure should see some of these sporty SUVs and Don Beyer Volvos. Class. Real class,” uproariously laughed Major Mike Webb, in contemptuous condescension.

Oddly, it is not the social justice ministers, the Moms Demand[ing] Action Now, the PTA, the NAACP or even After School Satan giving a their voices to the learning loss that finds Virginia ranked sixth in the nation, but, of all people, the internationally notorious porn tab guy, who is apparently enjoying quite a holiday season in courts, as now four pharmaceutical companies apparently found Jesus, confessed that somehow their ineffective products had slipped passed their testing and approval by the FDA for emergency usages, and, without the healing hands of one minister, came forward to request the revocation of their formerly approved emergency use. Did some recent filings in courts across the nation by one litigation hobbyist have anything to do with that? He was certainly effective in getting the CDC to add the first chimeric viruses to the Select List of Toxins & Agents, to prevent those with a criminal history from stockpiling or transporting this purportedly highly contagious disease, bringing down the sharp rebuke of the scientific community in a peer-reviewed report published in 2023. Meanwhile, Commonwealth’s Attorney Parisa Dehghani Tafti, a proud member of Branch 7047, the Arlington NAACP has elected a right to remain silent, and lawyered up on a matter to compel a grand jury investigation into the closing of public schools, at a time when the schools in China were reopening after just one month of closures, limited to the Hubei Province, and Julius JD Spain, former Arlington NAACP President, has certainly been prolific about addressing mental health issues and Missing Middle Housing, but is running like he stole something from a virtual conversation with the former New Jersey Education Secretary on the topic of public charter schools.

According to local reports, all of the bad Democrats became Republicans in this community that had voted for Ronald Reagan over Jimmy Carter in 1980, and where the American NAZI Party had had its headquarters, and where it took five years to abide by the Supreme Court mandate to segregate public schools, with “all deliberate speed”. But at least according to one popular hip-hop beat: Don’t believe the hype.

Your elected representative is called your elected representative for a reason; and Martin Luther King and Jesus never got elected.

And let’s get ready to RUMBLE! https://rumble.com/vp2uk1-attorneys-need-not-apply-you-have-the-right-to-remain-silent.html.